How Much Blood You Really Lose During Your Period
How Much Blood You Really Lose During Your Period We often joke that when we have our periods that it looks like there was a war in our pants. The amount of blood shed during a period can look like an awful lot. Especially if one factors in how many pads and tampons we go through over the course of our monthly menses. But have you wondered about how much you actually lose in blood each month? It turns out that even though it seems like we lose like a gallon of blood each month that it’s actually a lot less. How Much Blood is Lost During A Period? Although every period is different and varies from woman to woman, over the course of three to seven days the average woman only loses about 30 - 40 mililiters (mL). This equates to about 1 ounce or one small bottle of perfume. Of course, some women lose less and some women lose a lot more. Nine out of 10 women lose less than 80 mL (2.7oz) each month. A regular absorbency tampon can hold about 5 ml of blood. On the other hand, a super or maxi pad can hold about 10mL. Because each menstrual protection method holds so little that may be why it seems like we lose so much blood each month. If it seems like you’re going through way more than 12 regular tampons or 6 maxi pads each month than then you might suffer from menorrhagia. Menorrhagia is also known as heavy bleeding. What Constitutes as Heavy Bleeding? Heavy bleeding or menorrhagia is characterized by a loss of blood of 60 ml or more. If you suffer from menorrhagia you may notice these symptoms:
- Having to change your tampon or pad hourly
- Noticing really large or heavy blood clots (about 1 inch in diameter)
- Having monthly periods that last more than seven days
- Feeling excessively lethargic during your period (which can be a sign of anemia from losing too much blood)
- Having more than one period a month
- Having your period begin without warning like a “faucet turning on”
- Feeling severe cramping that interferes with your daily life (like missing school or missing work)
What Causes Heavy Bleeding? There are many causes of menorrhagia. Most of the time it is caused by an imbalance of hormones but other, more serious causes may also be the reason for heavy bleeding. These conditions include but are not limited to:
- Infections
- Uterine cancer
- Uterine fibroids
- Endometrial polyps
- Fluctuations in weight (caused by a very restricted diet or high levels of stress)
- Bleeding disorders (like von Willebrand disease)
What Should You Do? If you think you suffer from menorrhagia it is recommended that you see a doctor. A physician can conduct tests to diagnose what is causing your abnormal bleeding. If treatment is needed one is qualified to offer you different treatment options that may help lessen the amount of blood loss you experience each month. To also make your periods easier you should also check out period panties. Period panties are special panties that are specifically designed for your period.They are also easy to clean and last a long time so you don’t have to go through 10 or more tampons and pads each month.
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