What is it?
Ruby Love’s first period kit is a one-of-a-kind experience for young women. It offers the necessities one needs when they begin menstruating – education, period panties, pads – and adds in the fun and gifts. We’ve taken this experience “out of the box” and created a group experience that is shared with a close group of friends and their moms or a special person. Whether it’s the soccer, cheer, or dance team; or the neighborhood friends, it’s another fun time to share and learn.
Growing up should be embraced with support and encouragement. With smaller, intimate groups, learning and education can be more fun. Dialogue tends to be more open and there is a mutual understanding with young ladies going through the same experiences. As a hostess, your daughter will receive our ultimate collection box (link) as our gift. Your guests will receive our first period kit (link) along with additional gifts and surprises AND a discount to shop for other items. And, when it’s all over, you and your daughter will receive special thank you gifts from Ruby Love.
It’s easy to get started. We suggest that you begin planning at least 4-6 weeks out. With some information to start, Ruby Love will be your party planner. We provide a step by step process and hold your hand right up until the first guest arrives. To get started, let’s start with a few questions.
Please allow 2-3 business days to respond to your request.