Yeast Infections and Your Period
At some point in her life, the average woman is most likely going to experience having a yeast infection. While not fun, they are pretty common. At some point, too, that means it is inevitable a yeast infection and a period will overlap.
A yeast infection occurs thanks to some grow-happy yeast (Candida albicans) that naturally occur inside the vagina. When it grows a little too much or a little too quickly, a vaginal yeast infection is taking place.
There is not one root cause of yeast infections, but it can be triggered by new medications or antibiotics, pregnancy or even excessive use on non-breathable liners, pads or tampons. Yes, as this blog is exploring, you can get a yeast infection while on your period so to cut back on those chances, consider swapping out your pad for leak-proof underwear, like from PantyProp, that still allow for airflow down there.
The three most common symptoms of a yeast infection are intense itching, intense burning and/or some chunky vaginal discharge. Additionally, you might notice some small ulcers along your vulva, as well as redness. It is important to note that fever and pain (particularly abdominal pain) are not normal symptoms and you should consult your doctor if you experience those.
Menstruation, when your hormones are raging down there already, is actually a prime time for a yeast infection to develop – the double whammy. That is why it is so important to opt for breathable underwear as well as proper hygiene maintained. Wash your vaginal area with water and, if you must use soap, make sure it is one with a pH that is less than 7, so as not to disrupt the vagina’s natural pH levels.
If you do have this infection at this time, you really should take pains to avoid pads, tampons, and liners, so the growth of even more yeast is not encouraged. Using leak-proof underwear will be one of your best bets.
There are medications available that can be used to combat this infection. Your doctor will suggest either an oral pill or a suppository (yes, you can still use one while on your period – in fact, you should avoid tampons particularly at this time as they can remove some of the medication from inside the vagina) and you can even find non-prescription options available for purchase without a doctor in your local pharmacy. There are creams available, too, to help with the itching.
You should refrain from sexual activity for around seven days until after your yeast infection is cleared up, to avoid exaggerating your symptoms and allow it time to clear out.
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