What Exactly Is a Hormone Imbalance
“Oh, you’re just being hormonal.” Odds are you’ve heard this phrase before whether someone else said it or maybe even yourself. While the connotations of this make it seem as if your hormones are some fickle thing that affects your mood, it’s so much deeper than that! If someone were to ask you to name the “most important” parts of the human body, you’d probably name organs like the brain or the heart. While these organs are very important, your hormones receive no love when it comes to lists like these. Your heart could have a slight issue like arrhythmia, an irregular heartbeat, and you’d still be able to continue through life normally. The same usually can’t be said for your hormones.
You might be tempted to say that your organs are the most important part of the human body, but you might change your answer when you learn that your hormones control many of your organs. For example, hormones like estrogen and progesterone are two hormones that play integral roles in how the female reproductive system which includes organs like the ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and uterus. Your hormones are extremely important, but they are also very sensitive.
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When there is just a slight issue with your hormones, you’ll find that your entire system can go out of control. A hormone imbalance is when you have too much or too little of a particular hormone. As you age, you’ll find that some of your hormones fluctuate naturally, but there are particular hormones that can quickly and easily affect you. When a hormonal imbalance isn’t deemed normal, there’s a ton of symptoms that might clue you into an issue. These symptoms can range from weight loss to weight gain and even include depression, fatigue, muscle aches, and anxiety.
The symptoms of a hormone imbalance are endless in both men and women, but there are particular hormones imbalances that affect women specifically. The most common hormone imbalance in women is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This is when women experience an increased amount of “male” hormones in their system which can lead to facial hair, weight gain, and irregular periods. These are just a few of the symptoms that women with hormone imbalances would experience. The list goes on with acne, hair loss, and painful sexual intercourse.
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, schedule a blood test with your general physician. You might even be sent to your gynecologist for a pelvic exam. If it’s detected that there is a hormone imbalance, the issue would then have to be remedied with hormone therapy. This would simply be a set of pills and supplements that your doctor would prescribe to even out the particular hormone.
Hormone imbalances can be so slight and their symptoms can be so normal that you might not even be aware of it. Weight gain can seem so normal if you’re not watching your diet when it could really be an issue with the thyroid produced hormone, thyroxine. Instead of chalking up bodily changes to life, be sure to see your physician regularly to catch any hormone imbalance!
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