Swimmers Checklist: 12 Things to Pack in Your Swim Bag
Swimming is perhaps one of the most challenging sports. It requires not just physical but also mental stamina. You must be fast, strong, and apply the right technique to get through any race. So many things are going on simultaneously, so you'll have to do what you can to stay focused on the game. Thus, it's critical to know what things you need to pack. Let's dive right into the quintessential swim bag checklist.
Absolute Must-Haves in Your Swim Bag Checklist
Item No. 12. Personal Hygiene Products
Even if the swim meet venue has in–house toiletries, you may want to bring your own shampoo, conditioner, body wash, moisturizer, and deodorant. It's more sanitary to use your hygiene products of choice. Remember to wash right after swimming to get rid of chemicals or bacteria that can irritate the skin. Also, don't forget to bring a wet brush that you can use to comb your hair right after showering.
Item No. 11. Earplugs and Nose Clips
Not all swimmers consider these obligatory accessories. However, as a competitive swimmer, you may want maximum comfort as you compete. Water getting into your nose and ears is definitely not a pleasant feeling. A few quick tips: try wearing an ear band if you need to keep your earplugs in place, and practice with your nose clip to work out the proper breathing techniques before you compete.
Item No. 10. Snacks
Even if you aren't a competitive swimmer, you can get a ravenous appetite after swimming. So imagine how much hungrier professional athletes can be. This means bringing some snacks in your swim bag is a delicious must. However, do remember to fuel up with healthful choices. Indulge in nutritious edibles, like bananas, apricots, unsalted walnuts or cashews, lean meats, and veggie sticks. Avoid spicy and fatty foods and snacks that are high in sugar.
Item No. 9. Water Bottle
It can be tempting to stay thirsty instead of walking a good distance from the practice or meet venue to the drinking station. So stay hydrated in and out of the pool by including a water bottle on your swim bag checklist. This way, you can quickly replenish the fluids that you sweat out. If you can, make it a point to drink 8 ounces of H2O every 20 minutes.
Item No. 8. Towels
You'll most likely want to towel up before changing into dry clothes after your swim meet. So these pieces of cloth are among the essential items you'll want to add to your swim bag checklist. Look for easy-to-pack towels that don't take up a ton of space. Microfiber towels are a great choice because they're lightweight, super absorbent, and dry quickly.
Item No. 7. Flip-flops
Wet areas can be breeding places for bacteria. Also, they can be quite slippery. To protect your feet—and your health—wear flip-flops to and from the pool and especially in the bathroom!
Item No. 6. Change of Clothes
Naturally, you'll need to change into dry clothes after the training or competition. Remember to keep them in waterproof pouches to keep them from getting drenched.
Item No. 5. Swim Goggles
If you're serious about competitive swimming, a pair of swim goggles should be in the top 5 of your swim bag checklist. These safety glasses can protect your eyes from pool chlorine or ocean saltwater and help you see clearly. Better to keep your eyes on the prize, right? Ensure your goggles fit snuggly, and bring backup pairs in case of accidents.
Item No. 4. Mesh Pouches and Waterproof Cases
Depending on the size of the items for storing, you can stay organized by keeping them in easy-to-locate mesh or ziplock pouches inside your swim bag. These inserts are great for separating swim accessories like your goggles and earplugs from the rest of your things, making them easier to find. Mesh pouches can also keep your must-stay-dry items from getting wet.
Hard waterproof cases can also help you protect fragile items like your phone and goggles, which can easily get crushed as you move about.
Item No. 3. Swim Cap
Swimmers don't just wear swim caps to look like professional athletes. Like goggles, they can enhance performance by decreasing the amount of drag. It also prevents your hair from falling all over your face and eyes. At the same time, a swim cap can protect your hair from chlorine and other chemicals that can make your strands thick and straw-like.
Item No.2. Swim Bag
All the items on your swim bag checklist must go someplace before you use them, right? So naturally, you'll want a dependable bag in which to store all of them and lug them around. Choose one that meets your preferences and requirements.
If you like to carry your weight on your shoulders, pick a backpack. The bag's outer pockets make it convenient for you to keep things you need to access readily.
Swim duffle bags, on the other hand, are also popular among swimmers. You don't have to dig in too deeply for stuff since they aren't stacked like in backpacks. However, they'll keep your hands full as you go about, so you'll want to look for one with a lot of pockets where you can put things and free up your hands to carry the bag.
Item No.1. Swimwear
For our final item, we'll talk about the most important thing to include in your swim bag checklist: your swimwear, but of course!. Training and competition suits that fit you perfectly don't just make you look like the professional athlete you are, but they also help you reduce drag and perform better. In addition, a correctly-fitted swimsuit will prevent water from getting into your suit— and in the way of perfect scores.
Seal the deal with hi-tech period swimsuits like Ruby Love Athletics Swimwear, designed to protect you against period leaks while you train or compete. Ruby Love Athletics has got you covered with state-of-the-art, period-proof technology. Made with lightweight and absorbent fabrics, the line features the new patent-pending "floating gusset" for optimal discretion and movement. In addition, its Dri-Tech Mesh helps stop all front, side, and back leaks, securely locking in our double-sided pad or sanitary pad in place for optional added protection.
What's more, you get to choose from our cool and stylish Ruby Athletics collection, including Period Swim Bottoms, Period Two-Pieces, and Period Swimwear Skinsuits, with built-in, leak-proof, and all-day protection in the water. No tampon required! Shop our collection today!